Board Software Communication Vs. Emailing Board Documents

Most boards these days opt to go paperless. Others have just continued to use email for their needs, while some are choosing to employ whiteboard software for centralized communication. In actuality, 43% of boards still send their private board documents by email. Email has several possible drawbacks and concerns, even while it saves the board money on extra expenses.

Why Is Everyone Moving to One Board Portal?

The board’s argument that paper binders were cumbersome to transport and expensive to produce was a major driver for firms to go paperless many years ago, in addition to the environmental impact. The folder was left out of reach by couriers when directors were on the road. Security and efficiency are two contemporary factors encouraging boards to adopt whiteboard portals.

Sharing free software like Dropbox or Google Drive or emailing board documents carry significant security hazards. Executives who struggle to discover the appropriate information in unusual directory names and locating brand norms can become frustrated with more complex file-sharing technologies like SharePoint. Many boards offer online convenience because they want to engage high-contributing board members as effectively as possible from an efficiency standpoint. And as administrative responsibilities increase, company secretaries and administrators are seeking for automation methods to complete their task more quickly.

What Is a Board Portal?

If you haven’t already heard of it, board portal software is a web tool that managers and executives use to carry out their duties as members of a board of directors for an organization. Everything you require for a productive board meeting is available when you log in.

A board portal offers board members private access to previous and current board information as well as resources to assist administrators with committee work and board meeting preparation. Board portals also facilitate communication with and amongst busy board members, even while they are traveling.

Email Is Not Secure

The headlines have been seen. Nowadays, email hacks are commonplace. Their hypothetical intentions for 14 different acquisitions were made public since they emailed their board memos.

Switchboards, on the other hand, can communicate with switchboard software and feel secure knowing that their data is encrypted and secured by specialized security measures.

E-Mail Does Not Improve Communication Among Board Members

Every day, the average board member receives hundreds of emails. When board materials are sent through email, they are apt to “get lost in the email dump.” In addition, when reports or agendas need to be changed, board members receive numerous emails, which can make it difficult to remember when the most recent draft was filed and what information is current.

Through centralized communication, control software solves these issues. Not to mention that Board members can automatically open the most recent version of documents and that documents can be amended at any time thanks to board software, which lessens the confusion and stress associated with administrative preparation.

Email Doesn’t Lead to Better Decision Making

To put it simply, email is unable to keep up with the rapid advancements in tablet software. Businesses who use it have access to reports on their board of directors’ performance as well as an efficient communication tool. The ideal time to submit board materials can be determined using these statistics and reports.

In order to provide room for key group subjects during meetings, committees can use the board site for votes and debates outside of meeting times. Not to add, board members can access an experience through iPad or online, which takes the stress out of board preparation.

Email for board communication can appear to be “free,” but it actually comes at a significant expense.